By Angus Gulliver
Genre: Utility: Patience
We’ve all been there: It’s Saturday, you’ve popped into town with the other half
because for some reason or other, you have to go to B&Q. Again. If
this was all the trip entailed the £2.20 you’ve put on the old jalopy would be
ample, but as usual you have to start looking at new bathroom fittings because
the old ones "aren’t exciting anymore", then you have to traipse around clothes
shops and go into that nice new café. All
the while the parking meter is ticking away.

Like Angus’s other crap games, it was programmed and tested on a real Spectrum so a trooper award is in order. (Photos supplied by Angus)
Before the game starts we are treated to a magnificent flashing border effect, and be sure to enjoy it because the excitement ends there!
A parking meter is drawn on the screen and you watch and wait for it to tick down, when it gets low you must press the magic ‘M’ key to top the meter up. It takes about 2 minutes for the meter to exhaust fully, and it does so in ~5 big steps, getting slightly faster each time. We should thank Angus for this simulator, because in the modern fast paced world we are constantly reacting, and rarely have the time to just pause, and contemplate what’s important. So if Parking Meter Simulator was designed with this in mind, may I be the first to congratulate on an ingenious idea.
TOTAL CARP! Thankyou Angus and Nita!
Tipshack: Never go shopping again.
Download Parking Meter Simulator here.
Download a faster arcade hack here.
Genre: Utility: Patience
Like Angus’s other crap games, it was programmed and tested on a real Spectrum so a trooper award is in order. (Photos supplied by Angus)
Before the game starts we are treated to a magnificent flashing border effect, and be sure to enjoy it because the excitement ends there!
A parking meter is drawn on the screen and you watch and wait for it to tick down, when it gets low you must press the magic ‘M’ key to top the meter up. It takes about 2 minutes for the meter to exhaust fully, and it does so in ~5 big steps, getting slightly faster each time. We should thank Angus for this simulator, because in the modern fast paced world we are constantly reacting, and rarely have the time to just pause, and contemplate what’s important. So if Parking Meter Simulator was designed with this in mind, may I be the first to congratulate on an ingenious idea.
TOTAL CARP! Thankyou Angus and Nita!
Tipshack: Never go shopping again.
Download Parking Meter Simulator here.
Download a faster arcade hack here.
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